Monday, January 12, 2009


Last night I was sitting at my computer minding my own business when a little window popped up, called "AIM". This window told me to visit a given link. Said link lead me to a little wesite called, Once there I began to read a book review by Ari Brouillette. Book of topic was "The Secret", and the title for particular review was "'The Secret' saved my life!". I began to read, and instantly I was in a complete of confusion as to why 'the little window' prompted me to read this review. At last I reached the end... and I was in love. This writer completely captivated me. I clicked on the reviewers profile and began to read more and more reviews that were absolutely amazing. I felt compelled to share this enlightened and unique story teller with all of you. P L E A S E go read "'The Secret' saved my life". It's more than worth it. And if you happen to like it continue to read all of Ari's reviews. I strongly recommend it.

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