Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quite the weekend

Had a Grrrrr-eat weekend! First Brizzle and I went to the Orange County Performing Arts Center to watch one of my favorite broadway shows, Avenue Q. I highly recommend it, but it's not for the light at heart. Words like crass and shocking as well as "LMFAO" and "I just pee'd myself" are used to describe this adult play on Sesame Street. On Sunday, 10.11. had an engagement shoot with kyle & presilla in the B-E-A-U-tiful city of La Jolla, California. Honestly, they were so much fun and SO easy to shoot (as seen in pictures below). With the sun set, 12gigs of pics, and my skin pink, Joel and I met up with some friends in La Jolla for a bon fire to finish the day off. Pretty good weekend all in all. Enjoy the pics!

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