Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jen & Chris
This past weekend shot it's first wedding. And it was in fact my first wedding as well. It was a great day! And I can't wait for our next couple weddings in March. This is a bit of a longer post than usually but we ended up with A LOT of shots. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Work Shoot
Last week I shot a manufactering facility in LA for Lighthouse. One LONG day... six and a half hours of straight shooting before I saw a break or food. But I survived :) and am pleased with the pics, which makes it all worth while. Here are some of my favorites from the day.

Monday, January 12, 2009
Last night I was sitting at my computer minding my own business when a little window popped up, called "AIM". This window told me to visit a given link. Said link lead me to a little wesite called, Once there I began to read a book review by Ari Brouillette. Book of topic was "The Secret", and the title for particular review was "'The Secret' saved my life!". I began to read, and instantly I was in a complete of confusion as to why 'the little window' prompted me to read this review. At last I reached the end... and I was in love. This writer completely captivated me. I clicked on the reviewers profile and began to read more and more reviews that were absolutely amazing. I felt compelled to share this enlightened and unique story teller with all of you. P L E A S E go read "'The Secret' saved my life". It's more than worth it. And if you happen to like it continue to read all of Ari's reviews. I strongly recommend it.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Zoo
Busy week last week... that is before I got sick for 3 days. Which is why these are going up after the fact. But anyway, in addition to NYE and NYD we managed to go to the Tournament of Roses post-parade (see below) AND hit up the San Diego Zoo the next day. I haven't been to the Zoo since I was a kid and I've never been to the San Diego Zoo, so it was a great experience. In fact, I got a season pass (honestly even if I hated the zoo it was literally less than $10 more to get the season pass over the single day admission). But it was a lot of fun and I look forward to going back soon. Especially, to go check out the Wild Animal Park.

Tournament of Roses
Last week Bri and I cruised out to Pasadena to check out the floats in the post parade exibit. I haven't seen the floats in person as an adult so it was cool in that respect. BUT wow... SOOO many people... the pic below doesn't even begin to describe the amount of people there. It was crazy! The fact that I got ANY pics without someone pushing their way in amazed me. Anywho, here's a few pics to give you a taste of what we saw. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Soooo... I was on a blog and saw a post about "50 things I love and 50 things that bug". And a challenge to post things you love or that bug. Well, being as over zealous as I am I put together a list of 50 things I love and 50 things that bug... turns out the challenge was to only post one thing (mind you the competition deadline had long passed I just wanted to do it for fun) So, to not waste the effort and thought I put in here you go!
P.S. thanks Jessica Claire
Things I love
1. The cold side of the pillow
2. Canon
3. Gin
4. When you hit every green light on route to a given destination and shave countless seconds off your time :)
5. Knowing there’s nothing to do the next day but sleep in
6. Cold pizza
7. The feeling you have after waking up early and working out or getting something done.
8. Google
9. A purely organic and original jam session
10. Movie previews
11. People watching
12. Board games
13. Newcastle
14. During the summer when it stays light out until like 8:30pm
15. Seasons… how the weather changes even if it’s subtle in southern California
16. Feeling in your stomach when you pull Gs
17. Trying new things
18. Camping (especially Yosemite)
19. Sarcasm
20. Having a “Gazillion” songs on my iTunes
21. Pushing the “that was easy” button
22. My G1
23. The technological era we live in
24. Fact: The Office
25. Seinfeld
26. Spell Check
27. “Birthday week” and Bozz certified “birthday rules”
28. Chai tea Lattes from the Living Room in La Jolla
29. Vegas Baby!
30. The “ShopSavvy” app on my phone
31. The Dallas Cowboys
32. … The NFL in its entirety, actually.
33. Emoticons :)
34. Owning DVDs
35. Designer Jeans
36. Finding out it's much earlier in the evening than I originally thought
37. Blogger
38. Flickr
39. Fedoras
40. Vans… the classic kind
41. Playing Tennis, even though I suck
42. 12 for 11 @ Bevmo (that’s 12 Newcastles, for $11)
43. Christmas time
44. Being competitive
45. “The Holy Grizzle” and boat time
46. Meeting people who just love life
47. The feeling you get when wearing new clothes
49. Taco Bell
50. Wii Tennis
Things that bug
1. My old Blackberry Pearl
2. R&B (like Sean Paul type of stuff)
3. The noise my speakers make when my phone ringers right next to them
4. Anybody and everybody who sucks at driving
5. Business people who aren’t professional
6. Public restrooms
7. Myspace and Facebook
8. Leaving my ATM card in the ATM machine (Happens more than you think)
9. Being hungry but not knowing what you want
10. Going grocery shopping when hungry and then 2 days later looking in the fridge and thinking, “wtf?”
11. Phone calls telling me, “the warranty on your car is about to expire”
12. B&W photos with just the roses red
13. The News
14. Nikon
15. Dreamweaver
16. “Electronic shorthand” (i.e. “ur”, “l8r”, “4ever”, etc.)
17. People who take themselves too seriously
18. Herds of people
19. Waking up in the middle of the night with a thirst like you’ve NEVER had a drink of water in your life
20. Being at the beach and wearing clothes
21. David Letterman
22. Black licorice
23. Broccoli
24. Sleeping with a shirt on
25. Horror flicks
26. Stupid actions flicks (i.e. “Live free, Die hard”)
27. Playing Hold ‘em with nothing at stake
28. When you’re writing with a ball point pen and you forgot to write something at the top, so you go correct yourself and then accidentally get ink ALL over your hand.
29. The noise my computer speakers make when my phone rings (or just picks up signal) next to them.
30. When you hurry to the restroom and then after the fact realize... “there is no toilet paper”
31. How my ears feel after wearing ear buds for a long period of time
32. People that say “hush up” in lieu of “shut up” because they think it’s not as bad that way.
33. When you’re at a restaurant and you order a coke (or Pepsi) and they bring you diet… that first sip always makes me gag.
34. Oakland Raiders fans
35. MLMs!!! And being asked to be a part of them
36. Loving an article of clothing you see in the store and then realizing there is none is your size.
37. “Rice Rockets”
38. Bad customer service
39. When whichever Adobe program I’m working in crashes for no good reason
40. Cigarettes and everything about them
41. When I’m select a large number of individual files on my computer (like photos) and on the very last one my control button stops working and it unselects everything
42. Restaurants that don’t take reservations but ALWAYS have waits.
43. The new “can’t talk on cellphone while driving” law
44. Extremist anything (When it comes to serious issues)
45. Cheap Tequila (I just throw up a little in my mouth)
46. People who order chicken wings at a nice Sushi place
47. Shaving
48. Having to be a member at every freaking grocery store otherwise getting raped on the price
49. When people have entire songs for their text alert and leave it on loud while they converse back and forth
50. When the shower runs out of hot water
P.S. thanks Jessica Claire
Things I love
1. The cold side of the pillow
2. Canon
3. Gin
4. When you hit every green light on route to a given destination and shave countless seconds off your time :)
5. Knowing there’s nothing to do the next day but sleep in
6. Cold pizza
7. The feeling you have after waking up early and working out or getting something done.
8. Google
9. A purely organic and original jam session
10. Movie previews
11. People watching
12. Board games
13. Newcastle
14. During the summer when it stays light out until like 8:30pm
15. Seasons… how the weather changes even if it’s subtle in southern California
16. Feeling in your stomach when you pull Gs
17. Trying new things
18. Camping (especially Yosemite)
19. Sarcasm
20. Having a “Gazillion” songs on my iTunes
21. Pushing the “that was easy” button
22. My G1
23. The technological era we live in
24. Fact: The Office
25. Seinfeld
26. Spell Check
27. “Birthday week” and Bozz certified “birthday rules”
28. Chai tea Lattes from the Living Room in La Jolla
29. Vegas Baby!
30. The “ShopSavvy” app on my phone
31. The Dallas Cowboys
32. … The NFL in its entirety, actually.
33. Emoticons :)
34. Owning DVDs
35. Designer Jeans
36. Finding out it's much earlier in the evening than I originally thought
37. Blogger
38. Flickr
39. Fedoras
40. Vans… the classic kind
41. Playing Tennis, even though I suck
42. 12 for 11 @ Bevmo (that’s 12 Newcastles, for $11)
43. Christmas time
44. Being competitive
45. “The Holy Grizzle” and boat time
46. Meeting people who just love life
47. The feeling you get when wearing new clothes
49. Taco Bell
50. Wii Tennis
Things that bug
1. My old Blackberry Pearl
2. R&B (like Sean Paul type of stuff)
3. The noise my speakers make when my phone ringers right next to them
4. Anybody and everybody who sucks at driving
5. Business people who aren’t professional
6. Public restrooms
7. Myspace and Facebook
8. Leaving my ATM card in the ATM machine (Happens more than you think)
9. Being hungry but not knowing what you want
10. Going grocery shopping when hungry and then 2 days later looking in the fridge and thinking, “wtf?”
11. Phone calls telling me, “the warranty on your car is about to expire”
12. B&W photos with just the roses red
13. The News
14. Nikon
15. Dreamweaver
16. “Electronic shorthand” (i.e. “ur”, “l8r”, “4ever”, etc.)
17. People who take themselves too seriously
18. Herds of people
19. Waking up in the middle of the night with a thirst like you’ve NEVER had a drink of water in your life
20. Being at the beach and wearing clothes
21. David Letterman
22. Black licorice
23. Broccoli
24. Sleeping with a shirt on
25. Horror flicks
26. Stupid actions flicks (i.e. “Live free, Die hard”)
27. Playing Hold ‘em with nothing at stake
28. When you’re writing with a ball point pen and you forgot to write something at the top, so you go correct yourself and then accidentally get ink ALL over your hand.
29. The noise my computer speakers make when my phone rings (or just picks up signal) next to them.
30. When you hurry to the restroom and then after the fact realize... “there is no toilet paper”
31. How my ears feel after wearing ear buds for a long period of time
32. People that say “hush up” in lieu of “shut up” because they think it’s not as bad that way.
33. When you’re at a restaurant and you order a coke (or Pepsi) and they bring you diet… that first sip always makes me gag.
34. Oakland Raiders fans
35. MLMs!!! And being asked to be a part of them
36. Loving an article of clothing you see in the store and then realizing there is none is your size.
37. “Rice Rockets”
38. Bad customer service
39. When whichever Adobe program I’m working in crashes for no good reason
40. Cigarettes and everything about them
41. When I’m select a large number of individual files on my computer (like photos) and on the very last one my control button stops working and it unselects everything
42. Restaurants that don’t take reservations but ALWAYS have waits.
43. The new “can’t talk on cellphone while driving” law
44. Extremist anything (When it comes to serious issues)
45. Cheap Tequila (I just throw up a little in my mouth)
46. People who order chicken wings at a nice Sushi place
47. Shaving
48. Having to be a member at every freaking grocery store otherwise getting raped on the price
49. When people have entire songs for their text alert and leave it on loud while they converse back and forth
50. When the shower runs out of hot water
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Goodbye 08...
Well, it's been a great year and I wanted to take a little look back at some of my favorite photos and moments. I enjoy these pics for different reasons; some I enjoy the photographic aspect, some the humor, some the sentimental meaning, some the event or experience as a whole, and some just because. I believe it's 55 in all, and the first ten are my absolute favs (hence the larger format). So here they are, enjoy!

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